9.00 am - 10.00 am

Registration of BankTech Asia 2024: Manila Series

10.00 am - 10.20 am

Banking on Humanity: Rethinking Tech for Well-being and a Financially Inclusive Future

Embark on a critical exploration of technology’s transformative potential for prioritizing human well being and fostering financial inclusion in the future. Delve into innovative solutions that address social and environmental challenges, empower underserved communities, and contribute to the construction of a more equitable financial ecosystem.

10.20 am - 10.30 am

Opening Remarks

Selva Nagappan

Organising Chairperson, BankTech Asia 2024 - Manila Series

10.30 am - 10.50 am

Keynote Address: Revolutionizing Finance: Inside the Evolving Philippines BankTech

From groundbreaking innovations to regulatory mazes, this panel pulls back the curtain on the dynamic BankTech scene. Hear from industry leaders, disruptors, and visionaries as they dissect the forces shaping the future of finance and unveil actionable insights for navigating this ever-evolving landscape.

10.50 am - 11.10 am

The Future of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) Beyond Blockchain

Delve into the significance of central banks exploring CBDCs without relying on blockchain technology. Discussion on the potential benefits and drawbacks of alternative technological approaches for CBDC implementation. Experts could discuss if this approach could be a model for other Southeast Asia countries and the potential challenges and opportunities it presents.

11.10 am - 11.30 am

Morning Refreshments

11.30 am - 12.00 pm

Transforming Compliance for a Digital Future: The Paradigm Shift Driven by RegTech

Uncover the intricate narrative of RegTech’s evolution and its influence on the trajectory of banking compliance. Join in the discussion as experts unveil how groundbreaking solutions
are revolutionizing the regulatory framework for financial institutions.

12.00 pm - 12.40 pm

From Hype to Reality: Building a Resilient BankTech Ecosystem with LLMs & Gen AI

Tackle the tangible steps needed to transform the promises of LLMs and Gen AI into a thriving reality. Discover the cutting-edge fusion of these technologies and discover how they can empower a resilient future for financial institutions.

12.40 pm - 1.10 pm

Securing the Financial Ecosystem: Leveraging Blockchain for Tamper-Proof Transactions and Improved Resilience

Investigate the true potential of blockchain technology for enhancing banktech security. Explore how distributed ledgers can create immutable audit trails, secure transactions, and improve trust within the financial ecosystem.

1.10 pm - 2.30 pm

Networking Luncheon and Tour to Exhibition Space

2.30 pm - 3.00 pm

Beyond Automation: Unleashing the Power of AI for Personalized and Engaging Customer Journeys

Gain valuable insights as industry leaders showcase the transformative potential of AI for personalized financial experiences. Witness how AI is driving customer engagement, building loyalty, and reshaping the future of banking.

3.00 pm - 3.30 pm

Redefining BankTech with the Power of Quantum Computing

Explore the power of quantum computing and its profound implications for the future of banking technology. From supercharged data processing to unprecedented levels of security, discover how quantum computing is set to revolutionize traditional banking paradigms.

3.30 pm 4.00 pm

The Power of Embedded Finance: Transforming Banking in the Digital Age of Connected Ecosystems

Navigate the cutting edge of embedded finance, a disruptive innovation seamlessly integrating financial services into non-financial platforms. Explore the strategic advantages of embedding banking functionalities within everyday experiences, driving growth and innovation within the financial sector.

4.00 pm - 4.30 pm

Collaboration or Competition? The Fintech-Banking Nexus

Analyze the evolving dynamics between fintech disruptors and established banks, examining the potential for co-creation and head-to-head competition as catalysts for a more innovative financial ecosystem.

4.30 pm - 5.30 pm

Evening Refreshment and End of Day One BankTech Asia 2024: Manila Series