9.00 - 10.00 am

Registration of BankTech Asia 2024: Jakarta Series

10.00 am - 10.30 am

Elevating Banking Experiences: Strategic Insights into the Digital Banking Frontier

Dissect the dynamic landscape of digital banking, emphasizing strategic insights for financial institutions seeking to harness the full potential of digital advancements. The discussion will unearth the imperative of adopting digital strategies to enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and fortify the resilience of banking ecosystems.

10.30 am - 10.40 am

Opening Remarks by Selva Nagappan, BankTech Asia 2024: Jakarta Series

Selva Nagappan

Organising Chairperson, BankTech Asia 2024 - Jakarta Series

10.40 am - 11.15 am

Keynote Address: Banking Reimagined: Unlocking the Power of Human Machine Partnerships

Let’s explore the transformative power of AI, exploring its impact on both human and machine players in the financial ecosystem. It’s about collaboration and synergy, where AI empowers humans to provide a secure and efficient banking experience.

11.15 am - 11.30 am

Morning Refreshments

11.30 am - 12.15 pm

Building Bridges: Positioning The Strategic Value of Blockchain in the Banktech Ecosystem

Discover the boundless potential of blockchain technology within the BankTech landscape. This session discusses how blockchain is reshaping traditional banking paradigms, offering transparency, security, and efficiency in financial transactions.

12.15 pm - 1.00 pm

Embodying Digital Transformation for a Future-Proof BankTech Ecosystem

Explore the strategic initiatives and transformative frameworks that financial institutions must adopt to embrace the full spectrum of digital advancements. Decode the essence of digital transformation as the cornerstone for a resilient and future-proof BankTech future.

1.00 pm - 2.30 pm

Networking Luncheon

2.10 pm - 2.40 pm

Transformative Interplay: Exploring FinTech-Banking Synergies and Competitive Landscapes

Let’s dive into the evolving relationship between disruptive FinTech entities and traditional banks. Exploring the possibilities of collaborative innovation and direct competition, shaping a dynamic and innovative financial landscape.

2.40 pm - 3.10 pm

Embedded Finance Excellence: Redefining Banking in the Digital Age

Learn the transformative power of embedded finance, where financial services seamlessly integrate into non-financial ecosystems. Discover how Banktech innovation empowers institutions to embed finance, unlock new revenue streams, and forge deeper customer relationships.

3.10 pm - 3.40 pm

Banking as a Service (BaaS) Revolution: Architecting Future Financial Ecosystems

Examine the intricate architecture of BaaS models and their profound impact on the financial landscape. Unveil the transformative role of BaaS in fostering innovation, expanding financial inclusivity, and recalibrating traditional banking structures.

3.40 pm - 4.10 pm

Financial Sustainability: Green Finance in Shaping a Low-Carbon Economy

Deep dive into the landscape of green finance, its role in steering the financial sector towards environmental sustainability, and the innovative tools like green bonds and sustainable loans fostering eco-friendly projects.

4.10 pm - 4.40 pm

Evening Refreshment and End of Day One BankTech Asia 2024: Jakarta Series